Sunday, May 24, 2020

Literature Review Compulsory Voting - 1605 Words

Literature Review: Compulsory Voting The American people and government pride themselves on the freedom of choice; the freedom to pursue life goals, happiness, and religion without fear. This ability was even written into the American Constitution as the First Amendment, giving the public the ability to voice opinions and express religious ideas without interference from the government. One of the liberties encompassed in the Constitution is the freedom to choose who to elect into power, giving the American population a say in elections, whether those elections be local, state, or national. However, it is not compulsory for people to vote in elections, meaning that even if a person is a registered voter there is no definitive law that states that they must vote in an upcoming election or face consequences for not voting. Because voting is not mandatory, voter turnout fluctuates nationally and elections with low voter turnout are not representative of the entire population. In other democratically run systems, such as Australia and Brazil, there are laws that state every person must vote or face minor penalties such as fines. Whether these laws are democratic or if they violate the democratic rights of the civilian population is a debate in the political science field, with pros and cons for both sides. Voting can be seen as a civil liberty that every person may express in a democratic society and allows for a portion of the government to be influenced by the everydayShow MoreRelated Micro-finance and its Impact on Poverty948 Words   |  4 PagesDespite the growing body of literatures about the microfinance and its impact on poverty, there are counter growing criticisms against microfinance in issues such as reaching the poor, unchanged poverty level, high interest rate, brutality in repayment processes, financial sustainability, and women empowerment. (Hossain, 2010). 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